obert J. Connelly is the rare professional with a hunger for knowledge and a passion for sharing it. Bob spends hours in his large, personal library, reading about the antiques, collectibles, decorative arts, clocks and watches, classic cars, and sports memorabilia he appraises. Yet he always has time to share his knowledge in appraisal clinics, on radio and TV, in the classroom and at lectures and seminars. (And he keeps his audiences spellbound as this letter tells.)
Professional Affiliations A longtime member of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), Bob is an Accredited Senior Appraiser, the Society's highest designation.  He has served locally as president of the ASA's Hudson Valley Chapter (1990, 1996 and 2007) and as a member of its Board of Directors (1990 to present). He served as well on the International Personal Property Committee, an ASA national assignment. Bob also served nationally on the Appraisers Association of America's Board of Directors from 1995-2007 and as the Regional Representative for NY-NJ-CT from 2008 to 2013. He also holds that Society's highest designation.
Expert Witness Widely recognized as an authority on antiques, collectibles, clocks and watches, sports memorabilia, and classic cars, Bob has appeared as an expert witness in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Michigan and Texas, and is a consultant for the Technical Advisory Service for Attorneys (TASA).
Clients Bob's clients include private individuals, attorneys, accountants, adjustors, banks, insurance companies, and governmental agencies such as the Broome County Sheriff's Office, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and the IRS. He has also appraised for universities and historical societies, and for museums including the Hoffman Clock Museum, the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Roberson Museum and Science Center, and the New York State Museum.
Although Bob occasionally provides a Professional Opinion of Value, an abbreviated appraisal to meet special needs, most of his appraisals are full narrative reports prepared in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), published by the Appraisal Foundation. Only the standard USPAP report is valid in court and accepted by banks, insurance companies, auction houses, and the IRS. Naturally, Bob keeps current on appraisal standards by attending conferences and training seminars. He completed the USPAP 2016 in January; he also brushed up on the IRS review process for donations and Estates.
Ask Bob
Headquartered in Binghamton, NY, Bob Connelly has served corporate, financial, legal and personal clients throughout the U.S. for over 30 years. What's it worth? Ask Bob! Call him at 607-722-9593 during business hours, use our simple inquiry form, or email anytime for a free, no-obligation consultation.